Your questions answered, all about the modeling industry, careers, agencies, and the services we offer.
Is US Models an agency?

US Models does not operate as an agency and does not procure work for models. Our focus lies in assisting individuals in entering the modeling industry by providing essential skills training.

Achieving success in the modeling industry relies on having a strong portfolio, which is crucial to your professional resume. Your portfolio serves as a showcase of your skills, adaptability, and potential as a model. Possessing a compelling portfolio significantly enhances your prospects of securing employment opportunities. The quality of your portfolio directly correlates with your likelihood of creating interest from modeling agencies.

For each portfolio, models will be required to pay. Certain fashion agencies are recognized for crafting portfolios for their models and deducting a percentage from their initial earnings. However, not all models can secure representation with such agencies due to their rigorous criteria.

High-quality images are essential for marketing models professionally. However, certain agencies and companies may request authentic, natural photos before deciding.

US Models owns studios in Florida. Our affiliate studios are in Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Houston and New York. We would encourage you to compare our work to the work of others.

No agency can promise work. Although they act as your representatives and promote your profile, the final decision rests with the creative decision-makers, who select models based on their portfolio review.

It varies based on the client’s preferences. It’s typical for models to start receiving assignments immediately upon signing with a modeling agency, while for others, it might take up to three months. Factors such as trends, fashion, and company requirements can also play a significant role in this timeline.

Model rates fluctuate significantly depending on the client, encompassing daily or hourly rates. Your contract will outline the percentages and rates that your agent will deduct, emphasizing the importance of understanding these details to monitor your earnings accurately.

Depending on the locations of shoots and castings, modeling may have to travel. Generally, your agent will coordinate your travel arrangements.

The decision to attend castings and shoots rests with you. If you’re a full-time student, your agency will respect your schedule, typically contacting you only during weekends and holidays to avoid interrupting your studies.

The majority of models in the industry operate on a freelance basis, meaning they do not have exclusive contracts and can collaborate with multiple agencies.

In the last five years, the modeling industry has experienced a significant transformation, moving away from the requirement of a size zero for success. Presently, numerous top designers exclude size zero models from their runway shows. Consequently, having an appropriate portfolio tailored to specific agencies is crucial.

Hear from our models

Discover how our services have empowered aspiring models to reach their fullest potential.

Let’s start your modeling journey.

Fill the form and upload a recent photo of you, make sure we can see your face clearly. If you show model potential we will contact you and provide advice.